VIETNAM | JUN. 02, 2021 — Pastor’s Wife Advances the Gospel While Hospitalized

VIETNAM | JUN. 02, 2021 — Pastor’s Wife Advances the Gospel While Hospitalized

VIETNAM | JUN. 02, 2021 — Pastor’s Wife Advances the Gospel While Hospitalized

VIETNAM — Pastor’s Wife Advances the Gospel While Hospitalized

Nguyen Thanh has continued to share the gospel while undergoing cancer treatment.

A pastor’s wife has led over 30 patients to Christ and shared the gospel with many more while hospitalized to receive cancer treatment.

Nguyen Thanh and her husband have dedicated their lives to advancing God’s kingdom among remote villages throughout Vietnam. During their ministry, they have experienced persecution, being beaten and detained for preaching the gospel to many different tribal groups. Then, Nguyen was diagnosed with cancer in 2011, and her cancer relapsed in 2020, requiring a complicated surgical procedure and hospitalization. Because of coronavirus protocols, she was required to stay at the hospital for an extended amount of time. During her stay, she has shared the gospel with more than 100 patients, and 32 have responded in faith. She has also been teaching the Bible to the new believers, and many of them have returned home and are sharing the gospel in their communities. Pray for these believers to continue growing in their faith.

Pray also for Nguyen and her husband, thanking God for their faithful witness to Christ and asking for their material and physical needs to be met as she continues to recover.


  1. 유혜영

    Says May 31, 2021 at am 8:58

    많은 사람을 주께로 돌아오게 하는 자는 하늘의 별과같이 영원토록 비취리라 하신 말씀대로 하나님의 영광과 은혜의 빛이 가득하시기를 기도합니다.

    • Hrheo

      Says June 05, 2021 at pm 2:41

      기도의 동역 감사드립니다. 주변분들께도 소식전하셔서 베트남의 핍박받는 형제자매들의 ‘소리’가 되어주세요!

  2. kim

    Says June 08, 2021 at am 5:02

    사랑의 하나님!
    부족하고 연약한자를 사용하셔서 주님의 귀한 역사를 이루게 하여주심을 보면서 복음을 전하는 일을 게을리 하였던 저를 뒤돌아보게 하심을 감사드립니다. 떄를 얻든지 못얻든지 복음을 전파하라 하셨것만 그 말씀을 게을리 했던것을 회개합니다. 주님 저의 죄를 용서하여주시고 가능한 모든방법과 마음으로 복음을 전하게 하여주세요.
    그리고 저들을 통해 복음을 전해듣게 된 이들의 믿음을 굳게 해주시며 사모님의 필요를 채워주셔서 주님 영광받아주시옵소서

    우리 주 예수 그리스도의 이름으로 감사드리며 기도합니다 아멘!

    • Hrheo

      Says June 11, 2021 at pm 2:39

      핍박가운데서도 신실한증인으로 살아가는 믿음의 형제자매들을 통해 도전을 받으셨으리라 생각됩니다. 주변분들께도 이러한 소식들과 기도제목 나누셔서 소리를 낼 수 없는 핍박받는 형제자매들의 ‘소리’가 되어주세요!

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