중국 사역

Changing religious laws in China have resulted in restrictions that some experts claim equal those of the Cultural Revolution. Church buildings have been torn down, church leaders have been imprisoned under false charges, and faithful Christians have been martyred.

Despite promising its citizens freedom of religion, the Chinese government cannot tolerate churches who place obedience to God above obedience to the state. Any Christian who refuses to forsake their primary loyalty to Christ is thought of as an enemy of the state and treated accordingly.

In the midst of this persecution, members of the unregistered churches in China are seeking to respond biblically. Most of what they’ve learned about Christianity has come from the free world, and the free world knows little about the theology of persecution and martyrdom. This is why Voice of the Martyrs Korea supports discipleship events in which members of the unregistered Chinese church can learn more about persecution and the Christian life. Attendees are equipped to be fully Christian in the face of increased government restrictions.

Voice of the Martyrs also supports a daily discipleship broadcast into China. This broadcast includes scripture, discipleship materials, and lessons about the historical Chinese church. Broadcasts also include interviews from persecuted Christians, dramatization of scripture, and news updates from the persecuted church in China and around the world.

One of the most common requests that we receive from the underground church in China is for resources about discipleship and persecution. Persecution materials are especially lacking in China, so Voice of the Martyrs Korea needs as many volunteer Chinese translators as possible. If you are proficient at a translation level in the Chinese language and would like to volunteer to help translate these urgently needed materials, please see the form located here

Join Voice of the Martyrs Korea Today!

Join Voice of the Martyrs Korea in supporting your Chinese brothers and sisters to stand faithful in the midst of the worst persecution in generations.


  1. Keith Henry KIng

    Says November 10, 2018 at am 4:16

    Praise the Lord (Isaiah 41:10)

  2. Byunghwa Kim

    Says October 16, 2020 at pm 8:08

    pray for them

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