중동·아프리카 사역
Although often viewed as hotbeds for political unrest, the Middle East and Africa should be better known for their recent Christian revivals and strong churches. Especially in high persecution areas such as Eritrea (sometimes referred to as “the North Korea of Africa), Iran, and Syria, the church is growing at a rapid rate. Christians in these countries are thirsty for the love and truth of God and are willing to sacrifice everything to obtain it.

Persecution against Christians in these areas is often harsh. Family members are murdered, churches are destroyed, and faithful Christians are arrested. Punishments meted out to Christians are inhumane. In Eritrea, for example, Christians are rounded up with masses of other prisoners and shoved into a single shipping container. These containers lay beneath a beating African sun, making for sweltering days and frigid nights. Yet many in the Eritrean church view their imprisonment as a way to bring others to Christ.
Voice of the Martyrs Korea supports discipleship training efforts in both the Middle East and Africa. We also supply underground churches in these regions with discipleship and persecution materials in their own languages. Through our “Serving Families of Martyrs and Prisoners” project, we also provide the needs of families of the underground church who are suffering from persecution.