Early Rain Covenant Church Updates

Early Rain Covenant Church Updates

An update from Elder Li Yingqiang of the Early Rain Covenant Church
Elder Li after returning from police station

Elder Li after returning from police station

After being in jail (and later probation) for nearly two years, Elder Li Yingqiang of Early Rain Covenant Church moved his family back to Chengdu to reunite with their fellow church members. 

When authorities in Chengdu got word of his return, however, they immediately began harassing and threatening his family again.  

On Sunday, October 11th, Chengdu authorities took Elder Li Yingqiang to the police station for questioning. Below is a translation of an update he sent detailing his experience.  

October 11, 2020 (Lord’s Day):  


After being forcibly taken to the police station, Officer Xu stated two things very clearly to me:  

1) ERCC is banned by Chengdu authorities, and we will thoroughly enforce this ban and will not give your church any room to survive. 

2) You are not welcome in Chengdu, and as long as you are here, we will make sure you can’t do anything or see anyone. 

Elder Li Family 1

Elder Li is pictured with his family.

They repeatedly emphasized that ERCC has been banned and that no activities can be conducted in its name. I replied, “The church is heavenly and no earthly power can restrict its existence.

They answered, “Stop dreaming! We will never give your church any space. We will only continually squeeze you.” 

have to be honest, during my conversation with them today, I was asking myself the question: Why do I want to continue living in Chengdu? In fact, God has been asking me this question for over a month now through everything that has happened. 

Here’s what came to mind this morning at the police station and this afternoon when I got home. I didn’t tell this to the police, but I think they know.  

We returned to Chengdu to pastor the church. God has put many from ERCC, including Pastor Wang Yi, in “prison seminary” to study. As an elder and pastoral assistant in this church, it is only right that I return to Chengdu to shepherd this flock.  

When the sheep are facing wolves and tigers and leopards, it is the duty of the shepherd to protect them. My duty is to take care of this flock according to the will of God, “not under compulsion, but willingly, as God would have you; not for shameful gain, but eagerly; not domineering over those in your charge, but being an example to the flock.” (1 Pet. 5:2-3)  

What does it mean to serve the Lord? It is to act according to his will and not our own. Suffering for the name of the Lord, suffering for the church of Christ, is a blessing that Christians all long for. What we must be on guard against is our flesh and our pride, which may flare up at any time. If I thought myself worthy because of my sufferings, or if I thought I had merit because of my endurance, then I would be in sin.  

Elder Li Our new Neighbors House

Police constructed this building outside of Elder Li's home in order to spy on him.

Pray that the Lord would give me faith and grace to enjoy heavenly freedom in the midst of this lack of freedom, heavenly peace in the midst of this turmoil, and heavenly joy in the midst of these frequent tears and pain. Ask that I would not only love our dear brothers and sisters in this city—our family members—but also the millions of lost souls here and those who guard us, stalk us, summon us, detain us, and even those who threaten our wives and force our children to make our stay here uncomfortable.

At noon on October 10, 2020, when I went downstairs to take out the trash, I saw that the police had built a temporary housing unit below us. It looked as though they were making preparations to guard us for a long time.

On the evening of October 11, 2020, during our family worship, each of us shared our thoughts about the day. We thanked the Lord for comforting the frightened hearts of my wife and children and for turning our hearts from carnal anger to dependence on the Lord.

Then we sang together:

The Lord is my strength and my song;

My enemy pushed me hard, so that I was falling,

but the Lord helped me.

His hand exalts and saves.

He sets me in broad places, praise the Lord!

Update - Pastor Wang Yi’s Wife and Son are Monitored 24/7

Pastor Wang Yi and his wife, Jiang Rong

(Sichuan, China-August 24, 2020) Jiang Rong, the wife of Pastor Wang Yi who is sentenced to 9 years because of preaching, was released on bail and her bailout was over several months ago, but authorities still put Jiang Rong under house arrest and monitor her closely.

Jiang Rong has been isolated from the world, CCP authorities have coercively barred her from interacting with her family, brothers and sisters of the church, and friends.

It is said that Jiang Rong miss brothers and sisters of the church dearly and often pray for this in tears!

Jiang Rong and her underage son, Wang Shuya, have been in inhumane custody since the “129” incident happened and Pastor Wang Yi is imprisoned. Chengdu police retaliates Pastor Wang Yi cruelly by taking Wang Shuya, the son of Pastor Wang Yi and Jiang Rong, to a designated school to brainwash him. Jiang Rong under house arrest has been treated inhumanely, and Pastor Wang Yi is jailed inside high walls and under electric barbed wires, which are juxtaposed and become a spectacle.

Early Rain Church Building is Forcibly Occupied


The following pictures show that Floors 23 and 19 of Early Rain Covenant Church are forcibly occupied and rented out by the sub district office and the community after being raided in the “129” incident. (Photos taken on August 24, 2020)


Signs are displayed in the Early Rain Church building that outlines the government’s policies regarding illegal publications and pornography.


  1. Yeong-Kwang Lee

    Says July 03, 2020 at am 3:03

    죄송합니다..기도밖에 해드릴수있는게 없어서요. 죄송하고 또 기도 하겠습니다.

    • VOMK

      Says July 03, 2020 at am 10:24

      이영광님, 기도가 가장 큰 힘이지요, 감사드립니다.
      그리고 한 가지 더 동역해 주실 수 있는 방법은 수감되어 있는 기독교인에게 편지를 쓰는 것입니다.
      위의 링크가 편지를 쓰시는 것을 잘 도와드릴 것입니다.

      또한 현실적으로 공산주의 국가에서 일어나고 있는 사실과 기도제목을 아실 수 있도록 추천드립니다.

      생활 속에서 실제적으로 이루실 수 있는 선교방법을 통해 함께 동역하길 원합니다.

  2. 김현주

    Says October 11, 2020 at pm 2:24

    이 기도를 성령 하나님께서 들으심을 믿습니다. 거룩하고 순결하게 예수님을 믿으며 결코 공산당에 타협하지 않은 중국의 목사님들, 형제자매들 지금 이 시간도 영혼육을 지켜보호해주세요. 가정이 깨어져 있습니다. 이 슬픔도 주님 기억하여 주시고 주님 친히 그 마음 위로하여 주십시오. 오히려 이 아프고 고통스러운 시간 속에 예수님께서 오시는 발자국 소리를 듣고 기쁨과 평안이 넘치도록 인도하여 주소서. 필요한 양식과 모든 재정도 넘치게 부어주소서. 예수 그리스도 이름으로 기도합니다. 아멘

    • Hrheo

      Says October 15, 2020 at am 11:48

      중국의 기독교인들과 신앙의 동역자, 기도의 동역자로 하나되게 하신 하나님께 감사드립니다. 계속 기억하시며 기도로 동역하여 주시고, 주변분들께도 나누셔서 함께 기도에 동참하도록 하여주세요.

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