Serving Families of Martyrs and Prisoners

Serving Families of Martyrs and Prisoners

Serving Families of Martyrs and Prisoners

Serving Families of Martyrs and Prisoners

순교자 및 수감자 가정 지원 사역

When a Christian is martyred or imprisoned, even close friends and church members may turn their back on the family, fearing guilt by association. Those who want to help the family often don’t know how.

Voice of the Martyrs Korea always stands with the families of martyrs and prisoners for Christ. We provide material help. We serve as family. We help them understand difficult subjects like martyrdom, imprisonment, grief, and suffering biblically. We make sure they are never cut off from the body of Christ.

Each family needs different kinds of help. Some families need immediate financial help. Others need medical or psychological aid. Some need a family to belong to since their own may have fallen apart. All families of martyrs and Christian prisoners, however, are in dire need of spiritual healing. More than anything else, families ask for answers to spiritual questions, materials for discipleship, and relationship to the church around the world through prayer or communion. Through the “Serving Families of Martyrs and Prisoners” project, Voice of the Martyrs supplies all of these needs.

Christians who have been supported by our 'Families of Martyrs and Prisoners' ministry:

2019 . 11 ~ 2020. 1

Pastor Raymond Koh and his family

납치된 레이몬드 코 목사의 가족 지원

2019 . 10

Danjuma Shakuru

나이지리아 기독교인 소년 단주마 샤쿠루

전 세계 순교자 및 수감자 가족들의 긴급한 필요를 지원하고 그들을 지속적으로 돕는 한국 순교자의 소리의 사역과 함께 해 주세요.


  1. 150명이 넘는 이란 기독교인, 불과 몇 주 사이에 체포되다! – Voice of the Martyrs Korea

    Says January 22, 2019 at pm 1:34

    […] 세계 곳곳의 순교자 가족을 후원하고자 하는 분은 순교자의 소리 웹사이트에 오셔서 후원해주셔도 좋고, 아래 계좌로 송금해주셔도 좋습니다. […]

  2. [국제/Acts29] 이란 정부, 지난 몇 주간 기독교인 150여 명 체포 - 미션투데이

    Says January 24, 2019 at pm 4:33

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