Voice of the Martyrs Is Awarded Korea’s First Financial Transparency Certificate
Voice of the Martyrs Is Awarded Korea’s First Financial Transparency Certificate
To see our NGO permit listing the purposes which we have been approved by the government to undertake, click below.
Voice of the Martyrs Korea received initial accreditation from the US ECFA in 2014. Upon the formation in 2015 of a Korean affiliate of the ECFA, the CCFK, we have since then pursued and received our accreditation in Korea. Our accreditation has been renewed annually by CCFK, including the present year.
To download a copy of our full financial audit, click below.
[Note for readers outside Korea: Our currency is the South Korean Won (KRW), so when you read our audit, please note that the figures are reported in KRW.]
In accordance with CCFK guidelines and best practices for NGO ministry transparency, VOMK submits to a full financial audit and certification of financial statements by an independent auditor. Look below to read this year’s letter from the auditor. The audit certifies that when you give a donation to VOMK, it is spent for exactly what you specify. The audit also verifies VOMK’s extremely low administrative costs. This ensures that when you donate to VOMK, your gift is used for ministry to the fullest extent possible.