From the time of the Apostles through the Protestant Reformers to the earliest Korean Christians until today, Christianity has always only ever spread through the full and faithful confession of Christ. Whenever Christians fail to understand and confess Christ fully and faithfully, we end up striving to try to win things he’s already won for us; we end up holding tightly to things he told us he would remove from us; we end up seeking wisdom and power outside of his cross; and we fall into wrong teaching. Today more than ever, Korean Christians and church leaders need to return to the full and faithful confession of Christ.
During the six-month Underground Seminary curriculum we will study deeply and seriously in order to understand and confess each one of the six confessions that has always composed the full and faithful witness of Christ since the time of the Apostles through the Protestant Reformers to the earliest Korean Christians. These are the six confessions by which Christ has always built his church. These confessions remain the necessary and sufficient curriculum for Christian leaders and workers today, as demonstrated by persecuted Christians in the countries where Christianity is continuing to grow.
The Apostolic Confession
- When the time was fulfilled, God sent forth his Son, born of a woman, born of the seed of David.
- He died for our sins as according to the Scriptures.
- He was buried.
- He rose on the third day as according to the Scriptures.
- He ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of the Father.
- He will come again to judge the living and the dead.
Underground Seminary is designed to re-center Christians and churches on the full and faithful confession of Christ. It equips each student to fulfill Christ’s call that we be faithful witnesses to him wherever we are found. This is the Lord’s one purpose and calling for the church.
Two geographic cohorts will be offered: One near Pocheon and the other near Daejeon, at simple private facilities. Each month’s program begins at 7PM Friday and ends at 5PM Saturday. Food and lodging is included in the fee.