성경의 진정한 가치를 상기시켜준 북한 노동자 순교자의 소리가 조선어(북한 방언) 성경을 풍선과 손으로 전달하는 사역이 ‘반북단체의 정치전단’과 다르다는 것을 남한 당국자들에게 납득시키고 있는 중에, 어떤 북한 노동자의 감사편지를 받았다. 그는 북한 정부가 파견한 해외 노동자로 순교자의 소리 사역자에게 조선어 오디오 성경을 받았다. 이 오디오 성경을 듣고 난 뒤, 그는 이런 간증을 편지로 보냈다. “한샘의 소망을 ...
19 Aug 2020 In 스페셜 칼럼 By Pastor Tim
성경의 진정한 가치를 상기시켜준 북한 노동자 순교자의 소리가 조선어(북한 방언) 성경을 풍선과 손으로 전달하는 사역이 ‘반북단체의 정치전단’과 다르다는 것을 남한 당국자들에게 납득시키고 있는 중에, 어떤 북한 노동자의 감사편지를 받았다. 그는 북한 정부가 파견한 해외 노동자로 순교자의 소리 사역자에게 조선어 오디오 성경을 받았다. 이 오디오 성경을 듣고 난 뒤, 그는 이런 간증을 편지로 보냈다. “한샘의 소망을 ...
11 Aug 2020 In 스페셜 칼럼 By Pastor Tim
An NK laborer reminds us of the true value of the Bible. In the midst of our efforts to persuade South Korean authorities that the Chosun (North Korean) Bible we launch by balloon and distribute by hand is not “anti-North Korean propaganda”, we received the following thank-you note from a North Korean laborer. The laborer, after ...
21 Jul 2020 In 스페셜 칼럼 By Pastor Tim
Each year, as we prepare our North Korea projects and budgets for the coming year, we write a brief history of North Korean Christianity and a snapshot of present conditions to include with our project proposals. Our present circumstances, in which we stand accused in our own country as criminals alongside our North Korean Christian brothers and ...
07 Jul 2020 In 스페셜 칼럼 By Pastor Tim
“Why can’t you just stop launching for a while?” This is the question we at Voice of the Martyrs Korea are always asked about our work of sending Bibles into North Korea by high-altitude helium balloons. It is work that began 18 years ago in response to a promise Dr. Foley and I made to ...
07 Jul 2020 In 스페셜 칼럼 By Pastor Tim
“Why can’t you just stop launching for a while?” This is the question we at Voice of the Martyrs Korea are always asked about our work of sending Bibles into North Korea by high-altitude helium balloons. It is work that began 18 years ago in response to a promise Dr. Foley and I made to ...
12 Jun 2020 In 스페셜 칼럼 By Pastor Tim
Authorities in Gyeonggi Province, South Korea (the area where most balloon launches happen) announced new restrictions on balloon launching today, effectively criminalizing and heavily fining not only launching but even the transport of materials for launch. Here are a few notes from Gyeonggi Province Deputy Governor Lee’s announcement today: Gyeonggi province Deputy Governor Lee has ...
26 May 2020 In 스페셜 칼럼 By Pastor Tim
The biggest worry today for North Korean women in Northeast China is not Coronavirus but starvation. A new outbreak of Coronavirus in Northeast China’s Jilin Province has led authorities there to restrict travel and institute additional control measures. The new measures make it nearly impossible for North Korean sex-trafficked women there to feed their families. Now even ...
12 May 2020 In 스페셜 칼럼 By Pastor Tim
It’s hard to lock down an underground church. Not even authorities hostile to the gospel plus a virus can accomplish that. Here are five testimonies from North Koreans who have received audio Bibles and ministry packs from our underground field team members during the time of Coronavirus. None of the recipients were previously Christian. None ...
23 Apr 2020 In 스페셜 칼럼 By Pastor Tim
사도 바울은 디모데후서 2장 9절에서 “하나님의 말씀은 매이지 아니하니라”라고 선언한다. 많은 사람이 하나님의 말씀을 매어두려고 애쓰지만 하나님의 말씀은 언제나 그것을 떨쳐낸다! 오늘날, 전 세계 70여 개 국가에 있는 정부는 말씀을 ‘매어두려고’ 시도하고 있다. 기독교를 노골적으로 금지하는 정부는 별로 없다. 대신 정부는 자신들의 정책과 이념을 지지하는 훌륭한 시민정신을 가진 종교로 기독교를 개조하려고 애쓴다. 정부가 하나님의 말씀을 ...
14 Apr 2020 In 스페셜 칼럼 By Pastor Tim
Churches are surviving the Coronavirus, but the next test—increased government monitoring and oversight of church activities and leaders—may prove to be more difficult and longer lasting. The South Korean government is receiving high praise from other governments around the world for its use of so-called “big data” and artificial intelligence to profile and track members ...
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