ETHIOPIA | AUG. 31, 2022 — A Pastor’s Bold Witness

ETHIOPIA | AUG. 31, 2022 — A Pastor’s Bold Witness

ETHIOPIA | AUG. 31, 2022 — A Pastor’s Bold Witness

ETHIOPIA — A Pastor’s Bold Witness

Pastor Dereje's life has been threatened because of his bold witness for Christ.

Pastor Dereje came to faith in Christ 20 years ago through his friends’ Christian witness.

Once he became a Christian, Dereje felt called to serve the Lord. As he witnessed about Christ throughout his community, a church gradually formed. As more and more people become believers, others in the community started opposing Dereje. They threatened to kill him if he did not stop evangelizing, and they refused to rent homes to any Christians. Eventually, he was attacked for his bold witness, suffering a broken leg. Though he can’t walk, he is still traveling from place to place to share the gospel. “I was called to serve the Lord,” he said. “I am ready to do so under any circumstances.”

Pray that Dereje’s leg heals quickly, and pray that his community is receptive to the gospel.


  1. 유혜영

    Says August 31, 2022 at pm 10:09

    성령의 불을 부어주소서 다리가. 온전히 낫게 하소서!

  2. 최영숙

    Says September 01, 2022 at pm 10:49

    앞 뒤가 꽉 막힌 것 같습니다. 그런데 주님께서 저와 함께 하십니다. 2021년 7월에 보이스피싱 사기를 당해서 4천3백만원을 잃었는데 빌린돈으로 사기를 당해 불편한 상황입니다.

    저의 기도제목은

    상황과 환경을 바라보며 낙심하지 말고 주님을 더욱 바라보고 성령충만하게 하소서

    • Kim Jundosanim

      Says September 16, 2022 at pm 4:41

      집사님의 힘든상황을 위해 기도하겠습니다. 집사님에게 더욱 주님만을 바라보게 하시고 기도하게 하시니 감사합니다.

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