TURKEY | JUL. 13, 2022 — Former Swindler Now a Front-Line Worker
TURKEY — Former Swindler Now a Front-Line Worker

Nurettin pastors in an area of Turkey with much opposition to the gospel.
Nurettin first heard the gospel when a church planter shared Christ with him in 2007.
At the time, Nurettin seemed interested only as a means to emigrate to Europe, but the gospel worker gave Nurettin a Bible and saved his phone number. A few months later, the church planter visited Nurettin’s city again and accidentally called him. After reconnecting with the Christian worker, Nurettin placed his faith in Christ. As Nurettin grew in his faith, he eventually started pastoring a small house church in his city. His church is in a conservative area with much opposition to the gospel, and some of his church members have faced severe persecution for their Christian faith.
Pray that Nurettin will experience God’s peace as he leads in this hostile area. Pray that his congregation continues to advance God’s kingdom despite opposition.