PAKISTAN | JUL. 4, 2022 — Home Burned, Children Killed by Radical Hindus

PAKISTAN | JUL. 4, 2022 — Home Burned, Children Killed by Radical Hindus

PAKISTAN | JUL. 4, 2022 — Home Burned, Children Killed by Radical Hindus

PAKISTAN — Home Burned, Children Killed by Radical Hindus

Radical Hindus attacked Sahid and Memona's home, killing two of their young children.

Sahid and his wife, Memona, have six children and live in a small Hindu village in Pakistan.

In April 2022, a Hindu religious leader and one of Sahid’s relatives confronted Sahid and Memona about their Christian faith. The religious leader questioned why the couple had not attended Hindu festivals or participated in Hindu prayers. The leader and Sahid’s relative threatened the couple to renounce their faith in Christ, but Sahid and Memona remained firm in their faith. Around two weeks later, the family’s home was set on fire, and the two youngest children were killed. When the couple notified the police, the authorities tried to pressure Sahid and Memona to claim the fire was an accident.

Pray for this family who experienced great loss for their Christian witness, and pray they experience the comfort of God’s presence as they grieve.

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  1. 유혜영

    Says July 04, 2022 at pm 6:40

    주님! 사히드부부가 슬픔을 잃을 만큼 주님의 큰 사랑을 부어주소서!
    성령충만함으로 모든 고난을 승리하게 하소서!

  2. 김현주

    Says July 16, 2022 at pm 2:07

    파키스탄 땅에, 사히드 부부의 가정과 친지, 이웃 지역에 하나님 나라가 임하여 주시고 친히 통치해 주소서.

    오직 예수님 십자가 보혈의 은혜로 덮어주소서

    • Kim Jundosanim

      Says July 16, 2022 at pm 3:26

      항상 순교자의 소리와 기도로 동역하게 하신 하나님께 감사합니다. 기도회 모임, 소그룹 모임, 교회 초청 등 사역소개 모임을 통해 순교자의 소리 사역에 대해 특히 북한 사역에 대해 자세하게 안내해 드리고 있습니다.(문의010-3151-2065)
      늘 있는 자리에서 순교자의 소리 역할 감당해 주셔서 감사합니다.

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