KENYA | MAR. 07, 2022 — Christians Killed in Suspected Al-Shabaab Attacks

KENYA  | MAR. 07, 2022  — Christians Killed in Suspected Al-Shabaab Attacks

KENYA | MAR. 07, 2022 — Christians Killed in Suspected Al-Shabaab Attacks

KENYA — Christians Killed in Suspected Al-Shabaab Attacks

An Islamic extremist group has killed multiple Christians since the beginning of 2022.

Multiple Christians have been killed since the beginning of 2022 by attackers who are suspected to be connected to Al-Shabaab, an Islamic extremist group that targets Christians throughout Somalia and Kenya.

Since Jan. 3, attackers organized in groups of around 30 people and armed with guns and knives have led brutal assaults on multiple villages in Lamu County. Several Christians were shot, stabbed or burned beyond recognition, and one woman was tied up and forced to watch the attackers behead her husband. “The main purpose of the attacks is to create fear,” a front-line worker said. “They are not happy with churches being built and are opposed to the preaching of the gospel. They want to threaten Christians’ safety so that they may run away and possibly go back to where they came from.” Pray for the Christians in this region to remain firm in their faith amid this hostile opposition.

Pray for comfort for those who have lost loved ones in the attacks.


  1. 유혜영

    Says March 09, 2022 at am 4:18

    주님 ! 케냐의 기독교인들이 고통과 문제보다 더 크신 하나님을 바라보게 하소서!
    악인들이 회개하며 주께로 나아오게 하소서!

  2. Prayer

    Says March 16, 2022 at am 2:05

    주님! 케냐의 형제자매들을 예수님 이름으로 축복합니다!! 케냐를 붙잡고 있는 더러운 이슬람의 영 악한 사단은 이시간 예수의 보혈로 묶임 받고 떠나갈지어다!! 주님 케냐의 형제자매들 가운데 세상이 이길 수 없는 놀라운 은혜와 기름부으심으로 임재해주시옵소서. 하나님 이 케냐땅은 예수그리스도의 것입니다. 주여 함께 하여 주시옵소서. 힘을 더하여주시옵소서. 알샤바브는 회개하고 예수께로 돌아올지어다!!

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