NIGERIA | MAR. 2, 2022 — Islamists Kill, Kidnap Christians in Borno State

NIGERIA | MAR. 2, 2022 — Islamists Kill, Kidnap Christians in Borno State

NIGERIA | MAR. 2, 2022 — Islamists Kill, Kidnap Christians in Borno State

NIGERIA — Islamists Kill, Kidnap Christians in Borno State

Terrorists attacked multiple villages in Borno state, burning down homes and churches and kidnapping several Christians.

Members of the Islamic State West Africa Province (ISWAP) terrorist group attacked Pemi village on Jan. 20, killing one Christian and kidnapping 17 Christian teenage girls.

The attackers also burned several homes and a local church building. “More than two dozen houses were burned down,” said an area resident. “We need your prayers for God’s deliverance from these forces of evil.” ISWAP militants had targeted another nearby village just days before the Jan. 20 attack, killing three Christians and kidnapping five girls after burning down the village’s church building. “Burning down our churches will not stop us from worshiping God,” a survivor said. Pray for the Christians in these villages to remain firm in their faith amid this hostile opposition.

Pray that their faithful witness can lead others in their communities to trust Christ, especially members of ISWAP.


  1. 유혜영

    Says March 05, 2022 at am 9:57

    예배와기도로 승리하게 하소서!
    죽음과 같은 현실을 뛰어넘는 믿음허락하여주소서!

  2. Prayer

    Says March 16, 2022 at am 2:10

    이 시간 나이지리아를 붙잡는 사단을 예수 보혈로 결박하노라. 예수 이름으로 모두 떠나갈지어다! 하나님, 나이지리아 땅에 부흥을 주시옵소서! 나이지리아 IS까지도 예수 그리스도께도 순복하고 자복하며 회개하고 엎드릴지어다!! 예수님 찬양합니다. 행하실 주님 나이지리아를 회복시키실 주님 찬양합니다.

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