SOUTHERN MEXICO | FEB. 14, 2022 — Christians Families Kicked Out of Community

SOUTHERN MEXICO | FEB. 14, 2022 — Christians Families Kicked Out of Community

SOUTHERN MEXICO | FEB. 14, 2022 — Christians Families Kicked Out of Community

SOUTHERN MEXICO — Christians Families Kicked Out of Community

These Christian families have been kicked out of their village because of their faith in Christ.

Several families have been kicked out of a village in eastern Oaxaca state because of their Christian faith.

The traditional religion of the village honors pagan idols through drunken festivals, and the Christian families refused to participate in the festivals. As a result, some of the Christians were arrested by the village authorities, and the families were driven from their community. The families are currently staying in their pastor’s house. Pray for these families to remain firm in their faith as they endure hostility from their community members.

Pray they can find refuge in a community where they can practice their faith without fear of further opposition, and pray that the rest of their community comes to faith in Christ.


  1. 유혜영

    Says February 14, 2022 at am 4:15

    주님의 말씀에 순종하며 믿음을 지킬수 있도록 넘쳐나는 성령의 충만함을 부어주소서!

  2. Prayer

    Says March 16, 2022 at am 2:22

    주님 이 가정과 교회를 예수님 이름으로 축복합니다!! 영혼육을 부족함 없이 공급해 주시고 특별히 자라나는 다음세대들을 오히려 세상의 아들들보다 영이 민첩하고 탁월한 다니엘과 같은 세대로 세워주시옵소서! 이 가정을 통해 멕시코가 변화되게 하소서!

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