INDIA | FEB. 9, 2022 — Pastor and Wife Jailed on False Charges of Forced Conversions

INDIA | FEB. 9, 2022 — Pastor and Wife Jailed on False Charges of Forced Conversions

INDIA | FEB. 9, 2022 — Pastor and Wife Jailed on False Charges of Forced Conversions

INDIA – Pastor and Wife Jailed on False Charges of Forced Conversions

Area pastors and church leaders visit the local judge's office to show support for Pastor Arjun.

On Oct. 3, 2021, Hindu fanatics barged into Pastor Arjun’s church building, threatened the pastor and chased members of the congregation away.

The police arrived, but instead of controlling the situation, they began beating the pastor and his wife, Nara. They then detained the couple and charged them with forcefully converting Hindus to Christianity. The couple remains in jail and have not been granted bail; their next hearing is scheduled for Jan. 19. Pray for the pastor and his wife’s wellbeing as they remain behind bars, and pray for their hearing to go well and for their release.

Pray that the couple’s faith inspires the Hindus who are following their case to seek the truth of Jesus Christ.


  1. 유혜영

    Says February 09, 2022 at am 4:08

    이 귀한 목회자부부께서 두려움 없는 삶을 살게하소서!
    모든것을 성령님께서 주관하여 주소서!
    이분들을 아버지의 뜻이 이루어지게 하소서!

  2. Prayer

    Says March 16, 2022 at am 2:24

    예수 이름으로 인도를 축복합니다! 힌두의 영은 예수 이름으로 인도 땅에서 모두 묶임 받고 떠나갈지어다!! 아르준 목사님 나라 사모님을 예수님 안전하게 지켜주시고 석방되게 하시고 주님의 복음을 더욱 담대히 전할 힘을 주시고 이 모든 상황 속에서 주님을 선택하며 주님을 향해 달려나가도록 더 깊은 친밀함과 사랑과 은혜를 부어주소서!!

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