INDIA | DEC. 20, 2021 — Hindu Nationalist Mob Assaults Christians; Police Arrest Believers Instead

INDIA | DEC. 20, 2021 — Hindu Nationalist Mob Assaults Christians; Police Arrest Believers Instead

INDIA | DEC. 20, 2021 — Hindu Nationalist Mob Assaults Christians; Police Arrest Believers Instead

INDIA – Hindu Nationalist Mob Assaults Christians; Police Arrest Believers Instead

Christian men held in Nandini police station in Chhattisgarh, India until after 3 a.m. (Morning Star News)

On Oct. 17, about 500 Hindu nationalists beat and stoned more than 60 Christians and detained them, accusing them of forcefully converting Hindus to Christianity.

When police arrived, they watched the attacks occur, but then detained the Christians instead of those in the mob, who even vandalized vehicles belonging to the believers. Some of the Christians were taken to jail but have since been released on bail. Pray that those who were detained remain firm in their faith despite the persecution they’ve endured, and pray for those injured in the attack to experience healing. Pray that the Holy Spirit will help all the believers forgive their attackers.

Pray also for the Hindu nationalists to be convicted by the hatred in their hearts, and pray for them to hear the gospel and experience God’s forgiveness and love.

1 Comment

  1. 유혜영

    Says December 21, 2021 at am 8:51

    목적을 위해 수단과 방법을 가리지 않는 악한 마음들이 사라지고 양심이 살아나 회개의 역사가 일어나게 하소서 힌두교민족주의자들이 무엇보다 사람을 귀하게 여기는 양심이 살아나게 하소서!

    이 모든 핍박을 이겨낼수 있는 믿음을 부어주소서!

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