NIGERIA | NOV. 26, 2021 — Christians Discouraged After Months of Relentless Attacks

NIGERIA | NOV. 26, 2021 — Christians Discouraged After Months of Relentless Attacks

NIGERIA | NOV. 26, 2021 — Christians Discouraged After Months of Relentless Attacks

NIGERIA — Christians Discouraged After Months of Relentless Attacks

Relentless attacks on villages, homes and churches in predominately Christian areas of Nigeria have left thousands displaced.

Front-line workers report that Christians in Plateau State and Southern Kaduna are battling fear, anger, bitterness and unrest after Muslim Fulani herdsman attacked and killed many in these predominantly Christian areas over the last few months. Houses were burned, farmlands destroyed, churches set ablaze and many people injured and killed.

In Miango alone, about 6,000 families were affected. “We are going through dark times,” the front-line worker said. Pray that pastors and church leaders will be a comfort to those suffering from these attacks. Pray that our Nigerian brothers and sisters can show the love of God to the militant Fulani Muslims, and that their persecutors will come to faith in Christ.

Pray that God will put an end to the spread of radical Islam in Nigeria.


  1. Sooho

    Says November 25, 2021 at pm 2:06

    주님, 나이지리아 성도들이 믿음의 반석 위에 거하도록 보호하여 주소서. 주님의 보혈로 그 상처받은 몸과 마음을 치료하여 주시고, 원수까지 사랑하는 능력이 그들 가운데 힘있게 역사할 수 있도록 돌보아주소서..

  2. 유혜영

    Says November 30, 2021 at pm 8:06

    하나님 아버지 이길만한 시련을 허락하여 주소서!
    고통과 상처로 인해 하나님과 멀어지지 않도록 하나님의 뜻을 알려주시고 인도해주십시요!
    이해할 수 없지만 오직 하나님 아버지만을 바라볼수 있는 믿음 부어주소서!

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