ETHIOPIA | NOV. 19, 2021 — “Jesus Is My Relative”

ETHIOPIA | NOV. 19, 2021 — “Jesus Is My Relative”

ETHIOPIA | NOV. 19, 2021 — “Jesus Is My Relative”

ETHIOPIA — "Jesus Is My Relative”

Chaltu's family refused to help her when her husband died unless she returned to Islam.

Chaltu Abdalla was born and raised in a Muslim family, but she found faith in Christ when she was young.

She later married a Christian man and started a family. Earlier this year, her husband was killed by gunmen, and their home, crops and possession were burned to the ground in violent ethnic-based conflicts that targeted evangelical Christians. Chaltu went to her family for support after her husband’s death, but they refused to help her and her children unless she returned to Islam. But she remained firm in her faith. “I will not forsake the Lord Jesus,” she told her family. “He is my relative.” She has returned to her home village and is struggling to get by, yet she continues to hope in God. “When people ask her how she is going to continue living like this, she tells them, ‘Jesus is my relative,'” a front-line worker said.

Pray for Chaltu and her children as they rebuild their lives after losing everything. Pray that her unwavering witness will lead her Muslim family to faith in Christ.


  1. 유혜영

    Says November 20, 2021 at pm 7:25

    고난을 이길수 있는 것은 하나님이 나의 아버지시고 예수님이 나의 신랑되시며 성령하나님이 어머니 처럼 인도해주시기 때문입니다.
    세상과 멀어질수록 우리는 주님께 더 가까이 갑니다.
    주님! 어떠한 현실속에서 주님만을 인정하고 신뢰하며 살아가는 그 믿음 주소서!

  2. 유혜영

    Says November 22, 2021 at pm 5:44

    어느곳에 있든지 주님만 바라보게 하소서! 찰투자매님이 고통속에서도 평안함을 허락해주시니 감사합니다!

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