IRAQ | NOV. 5, 2021 — Christian Convert Rejected by Family, Struggles with Deteriorating Health

IRAQ | NOV. 5, 2021 — Christian Convert Rejected by Family, Struggles with Deteriorating Health

IRAQ | NOV. 5, 2021 — Christian Convert Rejected by Family, Struggles with Deteriorating Health

IRAQ — Christian Convert Rejected by Family, Struggles with Deteriorating Health

An Iraqi Christian is struggling with long term health problems after enduring many beatings for his Christian faith.

Youhanna's wife and children left him when he placed his faith in Christ several years ago.

His extended family beat him severely many times because of his faith, and he was imprisoned in an attempt to force him to return to Islam. Eventually, he relocated from his area of Iraq to Iraqi Kurdistan to flee the hostility. As a result of sustained physical abuse, his long-term health is deteriorating, and he was recently diagnosed with a chronic pain disorder. He asks for prayer that God will “use him in encouraging brothers and sisters to unite as a church and care for the needy.”

Pray also that he will be encouraged and strengthened in his faith amid his health struggles.


  1. 권정현

    Says November 04, 2021 at am 1:44

    하나님!! 유한나 자매를 강건하게 회복시켜 주옵소서!
    그녀가 처한 이러한 형편들은 주님의 어떠한 섭리가 있을 지는 알지 못하지만, 그녀의 생명을 지켜주옵소서
    유한나 자매를 통해 가족들이 오히려 구원받는 역사가 있게 하옵소서

    유한나 자매의 고백위해 하나님의 뜻이 속히 이뤄지길 원합니다.
    그녀의 믿음이 나약해 지지 않도록 더 크게 믿음으로 행사하게 하옵시며, 그녀를 통해 주님의 나라와 영광이
    그녀가 사는 지역과 가정과, 그녀를 괴롭게 하는 가족들에게 표적으로 들어나게 하옵소서

    더 이상 그녀의 건강이 약해지지 않게하시며, 믿음의 동역자들이 더 많아 질 수 있도록 하여 주옵소서.

    예수그리스도 이름으로 기도드립니다.

  2. 유혜영

    Says November 05, 2021 at pm 7:33

    성령의 능력으로 영혼육의 모든 질병은 사라질 것임을 선포하노라

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