BANGLADESH | OCT. 22, 2021 — Assailants Attack Christian Women

BANGLADESH | OCT. 22, 2021 — Assailants Attack Christian Women

BANGLADESH | OCT. 22, 2021 — Assailants Attack Christian Women

BANGLADESH — Assailants Attack Christian Women

Unknown assailants attacked a Christian community.

Believers in a particular community in Bangladesh are requesting prayer after assailants destroyed their homes and attacked the women in the community.

A local contact wrote that the aggressors had struck just the night before. During previous attacks, the men from the village had fled, and the assailants left the women and children alone. This time, however, the attackers targeted the women, leaving many injured. The assailants then called front-line workers in the region and threatened to kill them if they visited the community again. Afterward, the army arrested village leaders, but they could not identify the attackers. VOM contacts have moved the believers into a temporary shelter, and the victims are living in a great deal of fear.

Pray that God will calm their hearts with his supernatural peace, and pray that their attackers will be found and will receive justice.


  1. 유혜영

    Says October 23, 2021 at am 10:41

    주님! 악을 선으로 이길수 있는 믿음을 주소서! 악을 두려워하지 않는 믿음 허락하여 주소서!
    모든 악한 자를 심판하여 주소서!

  2. 권정현

    Says November 04, 2021 at am 2:15

    주님의 자녀들을 악으로 부터 위험으로 부터 칼로 부터 지켜주옵소서
    여인들을 목표로 삼아 폭력을 일삼는 저 악한 무리들이 회개하고 주께 돌아오게 하옵소서!
    핍박으로는 죽음으로 하나님 나라가 더 욱 더 커져 간다는 사실을 저들이 알게 하여 주옵소서.
    행여나 이러한 폭력과 위협으로 부터 두려워하는 기독교 인들이 아니고, 주님의 주시는 큰 평안과 위로를 채워주옵소서.
    당국자들이 우리 기독교인들에게 오히려 보호자가 될 수 있도록 역사하여 주옵소서.
    예수그리스도 이름으로 기도드립니다.

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