CUBA | OCT. 18, 2021 — More than 100 New Believers Baptized

CUBA | OCT. 18, 2021 — More than 100 New Believers Baptized

CUBA | OCT. 18, 2021 — More than 100 New Believers Baptized

CUBA — More than 100 New Believers Baptized

God's kingdom is advancing in Cuba as more than 100 new believers were recently baptized amid adversity and opposition.

Front-line workers in Cuba recently celebrated the baptism of more than 100 believers as part of how God's kingdom continues to advance amid adversity and opposition.

“In the middle of threats, the pandemic and deaths from the coronavirus, the church in Cuba continues,” a front-line worker said. Praise God for the faithfulness of our Cuban brothers and sisters in Christ.

Pray that these new believers continue growing in their faith, and pray that they will continue to advance the gospel no matter the risk.


  1. 유혜영

    Says October 18, 2021 at am 9:02

    쿠바를 부흥시켜주시는 주님의 은혜에 감사드립니다.!
    성령의 사람들이 계속해서 세워지기를 기도합니다.

  2. 권정현

    Says November 04, 2021 at am 2:24

    주께 돌아오는 수가 날로 날로 많아 지게 하여 주옵소서.
    쿠파에 역사하시는 하나님, 어떠한 형편과 환경에서도 복음이 끝까지 전해져
    쿠바에서 자유롭게 예배드릴 수 있도록 하여 주옵소서.
    새신자들의 신앙과 믿음이 성장되어, 누룩과 같이 계속 계속 복음이 전해지게 하옵소서.
    하나님의 나라는 영원합니다. 할렐루야~ 주님 홀로 영광 받아 주옵소서.

    예수그리스도 이름으로 기도드립니다.

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