MIDDLE EAST | SEP. 22, 2021 — Christian Couple Flees Amid Threats

MIDDLE EAST | SEP. 22, 2021 — Christian Couple Flees Amid Threats

MIDDLE EAST | SEP. 22, 2021 — Christian Couple Flees Amid Threats

MIDDLE EAST — Christian Couple Flees Amid Threats

A Syrian couple have fled their homeland and hope to move to a country where they can start a family.

Rama and Joseph have fled their home in Syria after threats from family due to their marriage.

Rama is a former Muslim who now follows Christ, and Joseph is from a Christian background. When Rama’s family learned of their marriage, they complained to a police officer. The officer beat Joseph and warned him to stay away from Rama. The couple then escaped to a neighboring country that also does not recognize marriage between a woman who is legally considered to be Muslim and a man who is not a Muslim. Joseph and Rama have now applied for resettlement to a Western country. Pray for God’s peace in their hearts while they wait.

Pray for their resettlement application to be accepted so they can move to a country where their marriage is legally recognized and where they can start a family.

1 Comment

  1. 유혜영

    Says September 22, 2021 at am 10:31

    어떠한 상황속에서도 주님만 바라보는 순교자의 믿음 부어주소서!

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