IRAN | SEP. 8, 2021 — Family Uses Christian Magazine to Share the Gospel

IRAN | SEP. 8, 2021 — Family Uses Christian Magazine to Share the Gospel

IRAN | SEP. 8, 2021 — Family Uses Christian Magazine to Share the Gospel

IRAN — Family Uses Christian Magazine to Share the Gospel

A young boy in Iran used a VOM-supported Christian magazine to share the gospel with his family.

Nastaran is a mother of two who regularly receives a Christian magazine that contains stories from VOM's Courageous series.

Recently, her brother-in-law visited her home with his family, and her son read the story of Patrick to her nephew while excitedly showing him the magazine. Nastaran’s family wanted to know more about the magazine and how they could order it. She gave them her copies of the magazine and a gospel tract, telling them it was a gift from God. “Please pray that God would touch their heart,” she said.

Praise God for Nastaran’s obedience to share Christ with her family members, and pray that they would trust in Christ for salvation.


  1. Daju

    Says September 08, 2021 at pm 4:16

    “주 예수를 믿으라 그리하면 너와 네 집이 구원을 받으리라” (행16:31)
    Nastaran 의 가족들이 주 예수를 믿고 거듭나기를 기도합니다.

  2. 유혜영

    Says September 09, 2021 at am 7:03

    복음의 씨앗이 심어지게 하소서! 자라서 나무가 되는 믿음이 되게 하소서!

  3. 유혜영

    Says September 11, 2021 at am 9:28

    주님의 말씀은 능력있고 힘이 있어 우리를 구원하시고 회복하십니다. 모두가 알게 하소서!

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