INDIA | JUL. 26, 2021 — Christian Man Cares for Neighbors, Shares Gospel During Pandemic

INDIA | JUL. 26, 2021 — Christian Man Cares for Neighbors, Shares Gospel During Pandemic

INDIA | JUL. 26, 2021 — Christian Man Cares for Neighbors, Shares Gospel During Pandemic

INDIA – Christian Man Cares for Neighbors, Shares Gospel During Pandemic

A Christian in India provides food and other items for his neighbors.

Because of the recent surge of deaths due to coronavirus in India, Sandeep knew of the desperate needs of people living in surrounding villages.

Risking his own health, he traveled to a remote village where people hadn’t eaten in three days and provided them with food and other necessities. The famished villagers were shocked at his acts of love and service. When Sandeep asked villagers if they would be willing to hear stories from the Bible, a man named Ram said, “Our (local government leader) did not come to check on us, and even local people in the village won’t help or share any food because of fear — but you, a complete stranger, have come and cared for us. We don’t know why. We want to listen to anything you will tell us.” Praise God for Sandeep’s faithfulness to love his neighbors, no matter the cost, and for his openness to share the gospel. Praise God for the way love opened the hearts of the villagers to hear the gospel.

Pray that Christians throughout India will sacrificially love their neighbors in similar ways and that even more hearts will be opened.


  1. Peace

    Says July 25, 2021 at pm 4:02

    자기목숨을 많은사람의 대속물로 주신 예수님처럼, 힘든시기에 자기목숨을 아끼지않고 어려운이웃에게 사랑을 베풀고 복음을 전하는 산딥을 보며 안일하게 살고 본질이 아닌것에 희노애락하며 살고있는 제자신이 부끄럽습니다. 예수님의 사랑을 실천하며 진정한제자로 살고있는 산딥을 축복해주시고 코로나로부터 지켜주세요. 이런 기독교인으로 인해 인도에 많은영혼들이 주님품으로 돌아오게 해주세요

    • Hrheo

      Says August 04, 2021 at pm 1:18

      산딥형제를 통해 귀한 신앙의 도전을 받으셨으리라 생각됩니다. 주변분들께도 많이 전해주셔서 더 많은 이들이 순교자, 핍박받는 형제자매들의 ‘순교의 영성’을 배울 수 있도록 하여주세요.

  2. 유혜영

    Says July 26, 2021 at pm 4:33

    내 이웃을 내몸과 같이 사랑하게 하소서!
    우리에게 더 드리고 섬길수 있는 마음과 물질을 부어주소서!

    • Hrheo

      Says August 07, 2021 at pm 4:15

      기도할 마음을 허락하신 하나님께 감사드립니다. 전세계 기독교인의 3분의 1이 핍박받는 기독교인들 입니다. 순교자의 소리를 통해 전달드리는 핍박국가의 형제자매들 소식에 지속적인 관심과 기도로 그리스도의 한몸 지체로서의 역할을 신실하게 감당해주시길 바랍니다.

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