SAUDI ARABIA | APR. 9, 2021 — Believer Facing Prison and Family Harm
SAUDI ARABIA — Believer Facing Prison and Family Harm

His problems began after the believer helped his sister flee the country.
An Arab convert from Saudi Arabia has suffered great difficulties after being exposed as a follower of Jesus.
Last year, the believer was open about his faith and was reported to the authorities. Conversion is illegal and punishable by death in Saudi Arabia, and authorities opened an investigation against him. Several years earlier, the believer helped his sister, also a follower of Christ, flee the country with her children after she faced family persecution. Afterwards, the family accused him of financial wrongdoing and sued him. That case is ongoing. The Saudi Christian has already faced several prison sentences and floggings due to his faith. His family is threatening to harm his wife and son.
Pray for safety for his wife and son and that he will not be sent to prison. Pray for his whole family to come to saving faith in Christ.