PAKISTAN | MAR. 01, 2021 — Imran Released After Decade-Long Imprisonment

PAKISTAN | MAR. 01, 2021 — Imran Released After Decade-Long Imprisonment

PAKISTAN | MAR. 01, 2021 — Imran Released After Decade-Long Imprisonment

PAKISTAN — Imran Released After Decade-Long Imprisonment

While in prison on a false blasphemy charge, Imran's mother died.

Imran Ghafur, who spent more than 10 years in prison on a false blasphemy charge, was acquitted and released late last year.

. During his 10 years in prison, Imran fought the blasphemy charge through the court system with multiple delays. In Nov. 2020, a scheduled hearing was delayed without explanation, but on Dec. 8, the court acquitted Imran of all charges, and he was released to his family on Christmas Day. He is currently in hiding as extremists who are angry about the court’s decision continue to issue threats. Shortly before Imran was acquitted, his brother Naveen told VOM workers, “You have been helping us since 2010, and we are grateful. In our area, due to corona, many people are jobless and don’t have food to eat. God is our helper through you.”

Continue to pray for Imran and his family as they prepare for the future.


  1. Park Seongho

    Says March 06, 2021 at am 8:28

    주님 이므란을 비롯한 파키스탄의 믿음의 형제들을 긍휼히 여겨 주옵소서!
    그리스도를 대적하는 악의 무리는 예수 그리스도 이름으로 명하노니 떠나갈지어다!
    이므란과 그의 가족들의 생명을 보전하여 주옵시고 믿음 잃지 않게 하시고 새로운 삶을 온전히 열어주시옵소서!
    모든 부족함 가운데 풍성해 채워 주시고 주님 살아계심을 날마다 체험하게 하소서!
    끝까지 믿음 지키게 하시고 영원한 면류관을 얻게 하소서!
    예수 그리스도 이름으로 기도드렸습니다. 아멘!

    • Hrheo

      Says March 12, 2021 at pm 5:04

      핍박받는 형제자매들과 기도로 동역해 주셔서 감사드립니다. 신앙때문에 갇힌자, 학대받는 자들을 기억하고 이들과 그리스도의 한몸을 이루는 사역에 계속해서 동역해주시길 바랍니다.

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