LAOS | JAN. 22, 2021 — Next Door to the Enemy

LAOS | JAN. 22, 2021 — Next Door to the Enemy

LAOS | JAN. 22, 2021 — Next Door to the Enemy

LAOS — Next Door to the Enemy

Christians worship right next door to a man who opposes them.

Tensions have deepened in a Khmu village where two families have come to Christ and one lives next door to a high-ranking solider — who happens to despise Christians. Recently, a Christian from another village came to encourage the two families, who had asked him to show them how to accept Christ.

When the Christian leader arrived, the neighbor interrupted them, asking the Christian leader why he was there. The Christian calmly explained he had been invited to show the families how to accept Christ. When the neighbor protested that it was against the law to convert, the Christian leader corrected him, telling him it was legal to convert to Christianity in Laos. The neighbor didn’t know how to reply, so he left, and the Christian leader led the families to Christ that day. Since that time, the neighbor continues to harass and threaten the Christians, but the Christian leader encourages them to stand firm. 

“Pray for these Christians,” a VOM partner wrote, “as many of the Christian communities face similar threats.”


  1. 김현주

    Says January 22, 2021 at pm 7:46

    라오스의 주권자이신 하나님
    이곳에 하나님 나라가 임하시고 주의 뜻이 하늘에서 이루어진 것 같이 이 땅에서도 이루어주시옵소서
    크무족에서 예수님을 만나고 자신의 구주, 왕으로 영접하며 섬기는 형제자매들을 매순간 성령의 능력으로 붙잡아 주소서. 핍박의 순간에 예수님의 고난이 생각나게 하시고 말씀이 생각나 끝까지 진리를 붙잡게 하소서. 그리스도의 평강이 크무족 형제자매들에게 임하여 주소서.

    • Hrheo

      Says January 23, 2021 at am 9:41

      신실한 기도의 동역 감사드립니다. 더욱이 기독교인들을 핍박하는 이들을 긍휼히 여기는 마음으로 기도해주시니 감사합니다. 그 마음을 허락하신 하나님께 감사드립니다. 주변의 기도의 동역자분들께도 소식 전하셔서 라오스의 핍박받는 형제자매들을 위한 기도에 동참시켜주세요. 그렇게 계신곳에서 순교자의 ‘소리’가 되시기 바랍니다.

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