CUBA | JAN. 20, 2021 — Authorities Try to Force Church from Home 

CUBA | JAN. 20, 2021 — Authorities Try to Force Church from Home 

CUBA | JAN. 20, 2021 — Authorities Try to Force Church from Home 

CUBA — Authorities Try to Force Church from Home

Pastor Osmani and his wife are being forced from their home by Cuban authorities.

After a two-year standoff, authorities informed a Cuban pastor on Nov. 13, 2020, that he had 24 hours to vacate his home, which functions as a house church.

Housing authorities had notified Pastor Osmani Lobato in 2018 that, based on a change in a 2012 law, they were expropriating the house church located in La Palma, Cuba. Pastor Osmani had received the home after the founding pastors of the church emigrated to the United States and donated the building to the Assemblies of God denomination. Even after authorities told Osmani they were expropriating the house, the church continued to meet. When authorities again told the pastor to abandon the property, denominational leaders warned the housing authority that they would not allow the church to be dislodged. 

Pastor Osmani requests prayer that the church would remain open. 


  1. 이윤자

    Says January 19, 2021 at pm 6:22

    살아계신 주님
    오스마니 목사님의 교회가
    문을 잘 열수 있도록 보호하여주세요.
    또한 오스마니 목사님의 가정과
    쿠바에 백성들을 긍휼히 여기시옵고
    주님의 돌보심에 은혜를 구하옵니다.
    오직 주님만이 우리의 사랑이십니다.
    이 모든 말씀 거룩하신 예수님의 이름으로
    기도드립니다. 아멘

    • Hrheo

      Says January 21, 2021 at am 10:08

      하나님께서 그리스도안에서 한가족 되게하신 핍박받는 형제자매들을 위해 기도로 동역해주셔서 감사드립니다. 기도할 마음을 허락하신 하나님께 감사드립니다. 한분 한분의 신실한 기도를 통해 하나님께서 하실 일을 기대합니다.

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