VIETNAM | JAN. 04, 2021 — 13 Families Beaten, Kicked Off Land

VIETNAM | JAN. 04, 2021 — 13 Families Beaten, Kicked Off Land

VIETNAM | JAN. 04, 2021 — 13 Families Beaten, Kicked Off Land

VIETNAM — 13 Families Beaten, Kicked Off Land

One of 13 Hmong families in Vietnam recently pushed out of their village after being beaten and having their land confiscated.

Thirteen Hmong families moved from Northern Vietnam to the Dak Lak province after enduring physical beatings and having their land confiscated.

 Although Christianity is legal in Vietnam, many in the country, including members of its repressive Communist government, see Christians as a threat. Minority tribal groups like the Hmong often face the most violent and harsh forms of persecution. Pray that these families will remain firm in their faith despite their new environment. 

Pray that they will find community and share the gospel in their current village, and pray that those who persecuted them will come to know Christ’s forgiveness and love.  

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