EGYPT | OCT. 30, 2020 — Convert Couple Severely Tested

EGYPT | OCT. 30, 2020 — Convert Couple Severely Tested

EGYPT | OCT. 30, 2020 — Convert Couple Severely Tested

EGYPT — Convert Couple Severely Tested

John and Malika escaped their abusive families.

Though Egypt has a small Christian population, life is not easy for Muslims who choose to convert to Christianity.

 John, a committed hardliner Muslim, came to faith in 2014 after studying the Bible in order to convince Christian friends to convert to Islam. His wife, Malika, also became a Christian after observing his new character for three years. John knew how his family felt about converts: one cousin who came to Christ was thrown from a fourth-floor apartment, and another was imprisoned in a psychiatric hospital. When his family realized John had become a Christian, they imprisoned and tortured him for four months before John escaped. Each time that John has found a job for the past three years, his family has followed him and had him fired. About a year ago, his wife and daughters were home alone when family members burst through the door, beat Malika and abducted their two girls. They intended to kill both husband and wife. 

Christian friends intervened, however, and the family is now safely living with other believers, though they still suffer trauma from the attack.  


  1. Cynthia

    Says November 06, 2020 at am 9:52

    Dear Lord, Thank you for the steady faith of John and Malika, even in the midst of what must be terrifying circumstances. Bring peace and safety to them both and their girls. Remind them that you are with them and that they have a family of believers praying for them. Help them to be a steadfast example for their girls and for their families, showing your love even when they are in danger. Thank you for watching over them and for using them in your plan. Amen.

    • Pastor Tim

      Says November 11, 2020 at pm 1:25

      Amen! I pray that often as well . . . “remind them that you are with them.” God is always with us, but we need reminding quite often! God Bless ~ Pastor Tim

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