TANZANIA | SEP. 11, 2020 — Wife Discovers Young Convert’s Books

TANZANIA | SEP. 11, 2020 — Wife Discovers Young Convert’s Books

TANZANIA | SEP. 11, 2020 — Wife Discovers Young Convert’s Books

TANZANIA — Wife Discovers Young Convert’s Books

When his wife discovered the young man’s Christian books, his conversion was revealed.

Juma met with his pastor secretly after coming to Christ, afraid that his Muslim family would find out about his conversion.

When his wife eventually found some of his Christian books, she immediately called his brothers, all radical Muslims. His brothers burned the books, beat Juma and threatened him. When word spread that he was a Christian, Juma was completely rejected by his relatives, neighbors and friends. He also lost his job. “No one will hire him, as no one is willing to give an apostate work,” a VOM worker said.

Pray for Juma and others like him, who have lost family and friends for the sake of Christ.


  1. 김우곤

    Says September 20, 2020 at pm 7:24

    주님의 위로와 보호를 기도합니다. 자비의 주님을 의지하십시오. 끝까지 인내하십시오.

    • Hrheo

      Says September 26, 2020 at am 11:41

      기도의 동역자를 주셨음에 하나님께 감사드립니다. 주변분들과도 핍박국가의 소식들을 나누시며 기도에 동참하실것을 많이 권면해주셨으면 좋겠습니다.

  2. 김현주

    Says September 22, 2020 at pm 1:01

    주마 형제를 비롯한 우리 모두가 각자에게 주어진 십자가를 지고 넉넉히 감당하도록 도와주세요. 예수 그리스도를 더욱 깊이 사랑하여 기꺼이 고난을 감당하도록 성령 하나님 강력히 임하여 주소서.

    • Hrheo

      Says September 26, 2020 at am 11:42

      동역 감사합니다! 계속 기도하시며 주변분들과도 핍박국가의 소식들을 나누시고 함께 기도해주시길 부탁드립니다.

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