PAKISTAN | SEP. 03, 2020 — Family of Martyred Christian Grateful for Ongoing Support

PAKISTAN | SEP. 03, 2020  — Family of Martyred Christian Grateful for Ongoing Support

PAKISTAN | SEP. 03, 2020 — Family of Martyred Christian Grateful for Ongoing Support

PAKISTAN — Family of Martyred Christian Grateful for Ongoing Support

Leaders in the Wa State region will move to house church worship.

A couple whose only son was killed in a shooting two years ago is surviving economic losses amid the pandemic with assistance from VOM.

In April 2018, 16-year-old Rahib Khalid was leaving a church service in Quetta, Pakistan, when four men on motorbikes sprayed the area with gunfire, killing Rahib and another Christian. His parents and three sisters struggled to support themselves without the income Rahib had contributed, so VOM has been providing monthly support. Rahib’s father is in poor health and has not been able to see a doctor during the coronavirus lockdown. “Due to the lockdown, all people are facing crises,” Rahib’s mother said. “I feel blessed and lucky because you people are with us.”

Pray for Rahib’s family and for all Pakistani Christians, whose difficult lives have been further complicated by the pandemic.


  1. rejoice

    Says September 07, 2020 at am 4:10

    살아계신 하나님.
    우리를 왕되신 아버지의 권세있는 자녀들 되게 해주심을 감사드립니다. 이땅에서 궁핍과 멸시와 천대의 대상이 되버렸지만 곧 오실 주님을 바라보면서 어려운 환경들속에 굴하지 않도록 우리의 마음을 굳게 하시고 이제 곧 있으면 오실 주님을 바라보면서 영원한 천국에서의 삶을 소망하면서 이겨내게 하여주시옵소서. 우리의 주되시는 예수 그리스도의 이름으로 기도합니다. 아멘

    • Hrheo

      Says September 19, 2020 at pm 2:52

      아멘. 하늘소망으로 기도하시며 핍박받는 우리 형제,자매들을 위한 기도에 동참해주셔서 감사드립니다.
      긴급기도제목(들을 주변분들께 알려주셔서 함께 기도하는 시간 되시기를 축복합니다.

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