IRAN | AUG. 12, 2020 — Twelve Arrested in Coordinated Raids

IRAN | AUG. 12, 2020 — Twelve Arrested in Coordinated Raids

IRAN | AUG. 12, 2020 — Twelve Arrested in Coordinated Raids

IRAN — Twelve Arrested in Coordinated Raids

Iranians worship in a house church

Intelligence agents from Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corp (IRGC) arrested 12 Christians in coordinated operations on Tuesday, June 30, and Wednesday, July 1.

The agents first raided the home of a recent Christian convert in western Tehran on June 30, arresting six of the approximately 30 Christians present. The agents then went to the homes of three other Christian converts for whom they had arrest warrants and arrested them. Finally, the following morning, they arrested three more Christians in the city of Malayer.

Local Christians believe the raids were coordinated with the help of an informant who had infiltrated the group in previous months.


  1. rejoice

    Says August 14, 2020 at am 4:16

    하나님 아버지 영광을 받으소서. 체포되어진 성도들이 환란과 핍박속에서 굳건하게 세워주시고 정금과 같은 주님을 향한 믿음으로 천국을 바라보며 주님을 사모하는 날들 가운데 있게 하여주시길 원합니다. 어느 한사람도 믿음에서 떨어지지 않게 지켜주시며 이런 일들이 다른 개종자들의 마음을 두렵게 하지 않게 더욱 담대한 믿음을 주시고 이란의 성도들이 고난의 영광으로 인해 오히려 기뻐하며 핍박을 감당하게 해주소서. 감사드리며 우리를 강건하게 해주시는 예수님의 이름으로 감사드리며 기도합니다 아멘

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