What does it look like to grow to full maturity in Christ? Is it even possible?
And Ephesians 2 aside, is it even what God wants?
In The Whole Life Offering, Rev. Eric Foley navigates the deep waters of Scripture, Christian history and Protestant theology in order to answer in the affirmative. The Whole Life Offering is a grace-drenched discipleship method that shows that growing to full maturity in Christ isn’t only possible; it is God’s intended purpose for every Christian, right here on earth in the midst of everyday life.
Rev. Foley guides the reader through ten Biblical causes –called “Works of Mercy” by Christians from the early church on up through John Wesley– that each Christian is called to mirror into the world. He demonstrates how seven spiritual disciplines – called “Works of Piety” by the church throughout the ages– anchor our Works of Mercy in God’s original Works of Mercy toward us so that we become image-bearing, grace-grounded icons of God’s philanthropy. We find not only what we should be doing in order to love our neighbors, but how to do it to the glory and praise of God. Christians are, as Rev. Foley demonstrates with theological precision and artful prose, mirrors reflecting out to the rest of the world the grace shown to us.
Copies of The Whole Life Offering may be purchased on by clicking here.
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교환·반품 주소 : 서울특별시 마포구 마포대로 4나길 46 101호 (서울특별시 마포구 236-1 덕성빌딩 101호)