These are the Generations

These are the Generations


In 1907, the Pyongyang Revival brought an explosion of Christianity to Northern Korea. Missionary William Blair proclaimed “great oceans of prayer beating against the throne of God.” Fifty years later those oceans evaporated under the searing persecution of North Korea, but a few tiny streams trickled on. This is the story of how one North Korean family received and passed on the gospel from generation to generation, through labor camp, prisons, interrogations, and the greatest challenge of all – everyday life in North Korea.



These Are The Generations chronicles the story of the Baes, a North Korean family that struggled to receive and pass on the gospel from generation to generation, through labor camps, prisons, interrogations, and the greatest challenge of all—everyday life in North Korea. Their story is told by Reverend Eric Foley, founder and Chief Executive Officer of Seoul USA, a ministry serving to bridge the Western church with Christians in Asia. Mr. Bae—a former prisoner for his faith in the North Korean gulag— says Christian inmates are forced to endure many hardships, inhumane treatment, and horrid conditions in prison. However, he told Foley not to feel sorry for them because, “Prison is the best seminary training a Christian can get.”


About the author

The Rev. Dr. Eric Foley is the Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Voice of the Martyrs Korea. Over the past twenty years he has trained more than 1,300 churches and Christian NGOs how to build volunteer and giving programs grounded in distinctively Christian discipleship practices. At VOM Korea, he supports the work of persecuted Christians in North Korea and around the world and spreading their discipleship practices worldwide. He is a much sought-after speaker and teacher in North America and Asia, and his blog receives visitors daily from around the world. The Rev. Dr. Foley received a bachelor’s degree in Philosophy from Purdue University, served as Presidential Scholar at Christian Theological Seminary, and received a master’s degree in Applied Communication and Alternative Dispute Resolution from the University of Denver. He recently earned a Doctor of Management at Case Western Reserve University’s Weatherhead School of Management in Cleveland, Ohio. He is the author of Coach Your Champions, The Whole Life Offering: Christianity as Philanthropy and These Are The Generations. He is an ordained pastor of The Evangelical Church of North America.


Additional information

Weight 135 g
Dimensions 130 × 200 × 7 mm

120 쪽


Eric Foley, Mr. and Mrs. Bae




2019년 4월 15일

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교환·반품 주소 : 순교자의 소리 - 서울특별시 성북구 솔샘로 26 (지층)