For years, Paty and Jaime had their hearts set on serving as missionaries in Turkey. But after a mission trip to an indigenous community near their home in Acapulco, Mexico, Paty began to sense the Holy Spirit nudging her in another direction.
While considering how to tell Jaime, she received a surprising call from him one day. “Paty,” he began, “I have been having dreams of indigenous faces, and I feel like God is telling us to go to the tribes of Mexico.”
Shifting their focus from Turkey to unreached indigenous groups in Mexico, the couple began praying and searching for a good location among the nearly 500 Mixteco communities in Guerrero state. Though the Mixteco share ancestry, their diverse communities speak 50 distinct languages and sometimes harbor deep animosity toward one another. Outsiders are viewed with deep suspicion, and Paty and Jaime appealed to three communities before one agreed to accept them.