Tortured for Christ Full-Length Feature Film Debuts in Korea with Special March 18 Free Premiere
On March 18, the new movie Tortured for Christ will premiere at a special free showing at the Voice of the Martyrs office in Jeongneung. This movie tells the true story about how an ordinary Christian became a witness to God's power in prison and then went on to become the leader of a worldwide movement of millions caring for persecuted Christians around the world.

“Often, we think about persecuted Christians as if they do not suffer pain or doubt,” representative Foley says.
“But Tortured for Christ reminds us that persecuted Christians are just as human as we are. When they are imprisoned, they struggle with their faith, cry out for their wives, and miss their children.”

Foley shares that Wurmbrand wanted others to know about both the struggles and the victories persecuted Christians experience. That is why he wrote the book Tortured for Christ, which became a best-seller in more than 60 languages and is now a movie earning rave reviews around the world.
“The book gave the world a glimpse at what persecution was like for Christians,”
says Foley.
“Contrary to what people might expect, there were actually moments of joy and laughter in prison.”
But there were also moments of agony.
“One scene in the movie shows Pastor Wurmbrand in solitary confinement, where he spent three years,” says Foley. “He cries out his wife’s name. It is a very moving scene which reminds us that even Christianity’s greatest saints were also human beings.”

Foley notes that even though the movie takes place in a prison and accurately portrays Pastor Wurmband’s suffering, it is an uplifting and inspiring film.
“One of the most impactful scenes which is actually a true story shows the prisoners sharing the Lord’s Supper and humming a song, using their prison chains as musical instruments. We translated that prison song into Korean and gathered volunteers together to sing it, also using chains. Movie viewers can see that video and hear the Korean song at the end of the movie.”
Voice of the Martyrs will be premiering this feature length film in their Jeongneung office on Monday May 18 at 7:30PM. Admission is free, but pre-registration is required. Those interested in attending the premiere can learn more or register through the Voice of the Martyrs Facebook page (www.facebook.com/VOMKorea) or website (vomkorea.com) or by calling the Voice of the Martyrs Korea office at 02-2065-0703.

pre-registration – March 18 Free Premiere