On March 18th at 7:30PM, Voice of the Martyrs Korea will premiere the newly translated feature-length film, Tortured for Christ, at their Jeongneung office. Admission will require pre-registration through calling the VOM Korea office and is free of charge.
영화 촬영 현장1. 리처드 웜브란트 목사와(맨 오른쪽) 그의 아내 사비나 웜브란트(가운데)
Based on the bestselling novel of the same name, Tortured for Christ is the story of Romanian Jewish pastor Richard Wurmbrand’s struggle to remain faithful to Christ in Communist Romania. Wurmbrand’s faithfulness landed him in prison for more than fourteen years, but prison could not break his faith. To preserve the authenticity of Wurmbrand’s story, many of Wurmbrand’s lines were taken from his writing. Dialogue was originally in English, Romanian, and Russian (with English subtitles). Voice of the Martyrs Korea has translated this script into Korean, the second language in which this movie has been presented.
영화 촬영 현장2. 웜브란트 목사가 납치 당하는 장면
Tortured for Christ also features a Korean language adaption of “N-am să uit, Isuse, Doamne, niciodată,”a song originally written by renown Romanian hymnist (and fellow Christian prisoner of Wurmbrand), Nicolae Moldoveanu. This was a song that persecuted Christians like Wurmbrand sang using only their prison chains as a musical instrument.
“Most filmmakers choose ritzy venues to host their movie premiers,” Voice of the Martyrs Korea representative Hyun Sook Foley says.
“However, we felt that our office (which is designed in a prison concept in order to remind visitors of the reality of Christian persecution) was truer to Richard Wurmbrand’s prison experience–and the experience of persecuted Christians in more than 70 countries around the world today.”
영화 촬영 현장3. 웜브란트 목사가 고문 받는 장면
Voice of the Martyrs Korea, a non-profit organization which supports persecuted Christians all over the word, is an branch of the ministry Richard Wurmbrand founded after released from more than 14 years of torture and imprisonment.
“Our organization was born in Wurmbrand’s torture cell in prison,” representative Foley points out.
“After 14 years of persecution, abuse, and psychological assault, Pastor Wurmbrand travelled to the West to inform churches there about the persecution of Christians around the world. Voice of the Martyrs Korea continues Pastor Wurmbrand’s work, even today. Voice of the Martyrs Korea is one of more than 20 independent organizations around the world that were inspired by Pastor Wurmbrand,” representative Foley explains. “Pastor Wurmbrand visited Korea in 1992 and initiated ministry into North Korea in 1969 by sending scripture into North Korea via radio and balloon. Tortured For Christ and his other books were also translated into Korean. This work is continued today.”
영화 촬영 현장4.러시아군 막사
“Some Christians might feel uncomfortable with a movie entitled Tortured for Christ, thinking it to be ‘too heavy’,” representative Foley says. “The movie does depict many of the painful and heartbreaking experiences faced by Pastor Wurmbrand, his wife, and other underground Christians. However, all Christians should watch this movie because its focus is on the power of the Christian faith to overcome any obstacle, something of which we all need to be reminded.”
Pre-registration for the movie premiere on Monday March 18 is required, but admission is free. Anyone interested in attending the premiere (or learning more information about it) may visit the Voice of the Martyrs Facebook page ( or website ( They can also call the Voice of the Martyrs Korea office at 02-2065-0703.