CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC | MAY. 10, 2024 — Survivor of Attack Needs Healing

CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC | MAY. 10, 2024 — Survivor of Attack Needs Healing

CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC | MAY. 10, 2024 — Survivor of Attack Needs Healing

CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC — Survivor of Attack Needs Healing

Women in the CAR lack access to trauma care.

Xavia, 30, survived a brutal assault eight years ago.

During a 2016 attack, rebels with a militant group set fire to numerous homes in her village. Her husband, mother, father and sisters were burned alive. Xavia was tied up and subjected to horrific torture, rendering her unable to have additional children. She doesn’t know how she survived the assault but only remembers waking up in an evacuation truck. She was sent to another country for surgery, but her emotional wounds need additional healing. According to a front-line worker, “She continues to suffer emotionally and has ongoing bouts of depression.” Due to a severe shortage of trained counselors and psychologists in the CAR, front-line workers are currently working to train pastors to provide healing care to Christians like Xavia who have suffered brutal attacks.

1 Comment

  1. 권정현

    Says May 04, 2024 at am 12:15

    주님! 환란과 핍박가운데서 살아가는 자비아를 아실 줄 믿습니다. 그의 가족들은 이제 없지만 주님께서 자비아의 삶가운데 함께 하셔서 위로하여 주시며, 자비아의 영혼과 육을 깨끗이 고쳐주시옵소서.
    중앙아프리카공화국에 주님의 사람을 보내주시옵소서. 이곳에 필요한 자원과 사람들을 통하여 하나님 나라가 세워지길 간구합니다.
    12년동안 혈유병으로 고생하며 많은 의원들도 고치지 못하고, 많은 물질로도 치유받지 못한 여인을 주님께서 완전히 치유해 주신것 같이 자비아 자매의 믿음을 보시고 완전히 고쳐주시옵소서!
    고통가운데 계신 예수그리스도이름으로 기도합니다.

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