INDIA | MAR. 29, 2024 — Pastor Dies After Third Attack on Church
INDIA — Pastor Dies After Third Attack on Church
Hindu radicals continued to harass the church after the pastor’s death.
Pastor Gangireddy died July 14, 2023, from burns he suffered during an attack on July 8.
The church continues to face pressure from Hindu radicals, who have planted signs in front of the church with slogans like “Born a Hindu, Die a Hindu.” This attack was the third against the church, which Pastor Gangireddy planted 20 years ago. Amid much opposition, Pastor Gangireddy stayed in the village and faithfully shared the gospel until his death. Members of the church have remained strong despite all that has happened and are standing with the family.
Pray for emotional and spiritual recovery and ongoing faithfulness for his wife, Shanta, and their children. Ask God to strengthen the church despite the opposition they face.