CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC | APR. 24, 2023 — Caring for Orphans Amid Civil War
CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC — Caring for Orphans Amid Civil War
Children at a CAR camp for Internally Displaced People
Christians have suffered greatly from civil war in the Central African Republic (CAR) since 2012.
They are targeted and attacked by Muslim rebels who accuse them of assisting militias that have carried out revenge killings against Muslims. They have been driven from their towns and villages as attackers loot and destroy their homes and churches, forcing tens of thousands into emergency camps for Internally Displaced Peoples (IDPs). A Christian man who cares for 58 orphans told front-line workers how insurgents targeted him with accusations, threats and assaults because of his ministry. Once, an attacker put a machine gun into the Christian man’s face and pulled the trigger; nothing happened. The attacker then shot the weapon in the air and tried a second time to shoot the Christian man in the head; again, the gun failed. The attacker then beat the orphanage director, breaking his front teeth.