SRI LANKA | AUG. 24, 2022 — Mob Beats Church Planters for Sharing the Gospel

SRI LANKA | AUG. 24, 2022 — Mob Beats Church Planters for Sharing the Gospel

SRI LANKA | AUG. 24, 2022 — Mob Beats Church Planters for Sharing the Gospel

SRI LANKA — Mob Beats Church Planters for Sharing the Gospel


On June 8, nearly 50 adults and children gathered for an event organized by a group of church planters. Those who attended heard worship songs and the gospel.

As people started leaving, a local Buddhist monk came and accused the event organizers of converting Buddhists to Christianity. Later, as the church planters left, men on three-wheelers followed them and crossed in front of their vehicle, forcing them to stop. Soon a mob surrounded them and cursed them for converting people to Christianity. About 10 men assaulted the church planters, who eventually fled. Today, four families from the village who attended the worship gathering have started a house church. Those who were beaten are planning to start additional churches in the village despite the threat of persecution.

Pray for these churches and the safety of those who attend.


  1. 유혜영

    Says August 25, 2022 at pm 8:00

    주님의 생명싸게로 덮어서 보호하여 주소서!

  2. 최영숙

    Says September 01, 2022 at pm 11:03

    주님과 친밀하기를 소망합니다.

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