SRI LANKA | JUN. 24, 2022 — Christian Man Beaten to Death in His Home

SRI LANKA | JUN. 24, 2022 — Christian Man Beaten to Death in His Home

SRI LANKA | JUN. 24, 2022 — Christian Man Beaten to Death in His Home

SRI LANKA — Christian Man Beaten to Death in His Home

Hindu extremists beat Kalithas for boldly witnessing for Christ in his village.

After becoming a prominent, active leader of his church, Kalithas received threats from Hindu extremists in his community.

They warned that he would face severe consequences if he continued his bold witness in the village. On Dec. 16, 2021, four men came to his home and started kicking his gate. Kalithas rushed toward them, asking why they were destroying his property. The men threw alcohol in his face and started beating him. When he fell to the ground, three men held him down while the fourth struck his head with an iron rod. After the men fled, villagers rushed Kalithas to the hospital. He remained in a coma until he died on Dec. 20. Pray that the four men who killed him are brought to justice and also come to know Jesus.

Pray for Kalithas’ family, and pray that villagers who hear his story will also put their trust in Christ.

1 Comment

  1. 유혜영

    Says June 24, 2022 at pm 2:44

    한알의 밀알이 썩어 열매를 맺듯 순교의 피로 더 많은 영혼을 살리게 하소서! 가족들을 위로해주시고 칼리타스를 통해 가족들의 믿음이 더 굳세지게 하소서!

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