WEST AFRICA | MAY. 30, 2022 — Young Woman Threatened, Beaten for Christ

WEST AFRICA | MAY. 30, 2022 — Young Woman Threatened, Beaten for Christ

WEST AFRICA | MAY. 30, 2022 — Young Woman Threatened, Beaten for Christ

WEST AFRICA — Young Woman Threatened, Beaten for Christ

Eliza's dad beat her so severely that he broke her shoulder because she refused to stop going to church.

Eliza, 19, placed her faith in Christ in 2018.

When she became a Christian, she discarded items that she had received from a witch doctor, including a healing stone she’d been given when she was sick. Eventually, her family discovered her Christian faith and learned she had thrown out the stone. Much of her family then threatened her to stop going to church, and they beat her when she refused. Her father beat her so severely that he broke her shoulder. He also destroyed all her belongings, including her Bible. Eliza is now staying with another relative while she tries to finish school. Pray for Eliza’s shoulder to heal fully and that she will remain firm in her faith.

Pray that she can show the love of Christ to her family members and that her faithful witness will lead them to trust in Christ.


  1. 홍복희

    Says June 08, 2022 at pm 3:52

    하나님 엘리자의 믿음을 귀하게 보실 줄 믿습니다. 보물과도 같은 주술사에 받은 모든 것을 버린 귀한 믿음입니다. 어떤 상황에서도 믿음 흔들리지 않도록 성령님 인도하여 주시고 어깨뼈도 보혈의 손으로 안수하여 주옵소서. 엘리자 가족이 그리스도를 모르오니 예수님의 복음으로 변화된 엘리자를 통하여 가족을 변화시켜 주옵소서. 또한 피신해 있는 친척들에게도 엘리자를 통하여 복음이 증거되게 하소서. 온 집안이 복음으로 하나되게 하소서. 학교도 무사히 마칠 수 있도록 인도하여 주시고 성경책도 다시 구하게 하옵소서. 악한 어둠의 영 나사렛 예수의 이름으로 명하노니 떠나갈찌어다.

  2. 유혜영

    Says June 13, 2022 at am 7:20

    엘리자의 가족들이 모두 주께로 인도되게 하소서! 엘리자를 보호하여주소서!

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