MEXICO | MAY. 20, 2022 — From Drug Peddler to Persecuted Pastor

MEXICO | MAY. 20, 2022 — From Drug Peddler to Persecuted Pastor

MEXICO | MAY. 20, 2022 — From Drug Peddler to Persecuted Pastor

MEXICO — From Drug Peddler to Persecuted Pastor

Pastor Filadelfo boldly shares the gospel with those opposed to his Christian witness.

Filadelfo Santos Perez trafficked drugs before he came to faith in Christ.

Now a pastor, he has been persecuted many times for his Christian faith. He has been arrested for failing to participate in pagan festivals and charged heavy fines. On one occasion, he was denied food and water for three days. After constant threats, Pastor Filadelfo was driven from his village because of his witness for Christ. He now rents a small room in another town, but he feels called to continue sharing the gospel in his home village despite the opposition.

Pray for opportunities for Pastor Filadelfo to share the Good News about Christ with those who are opposed to the gospel.


  1. 홍복희

    Says May 19, 2022 at pm 5:05

    마약 밀매자가 회심하여 예수님을 영접하고 목회자가 되시게 하심을 감사드립니다.
    어떤 상황속에서도 복음을 널리 전할 수 있도록 도와 주시고 궁핍함을 아시는 주님 목사님의 필요를 채워 주소서 고향 마을에서 복음을 계속 전 할 수 있도록 인도해 주시고 핍박했던 자들도 목사님 처럼 회심하여 예수님을 영접하여 진리의 빛으로 나아가게 하소서 더 나아가 멕시코가 복음으로 어둠을 물리치고 빛 가운데로 나아가게 하소서

  2. 유혜영

    Says May 20, 2022 at am 7:25

    빌라델포목사님께서 365일 성령충만하소서!

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