IRAN | MAR. 18, 2022 — Christian Shares the Gospel with Parents Through Magazine

IRAN | MAR. 18, 2022 — Christian Shares the Gospel with Parents Through Magazine

IRAN | MAR. 18, 2022 — Christian Shares the Gospel with Parents Through Magazine

IRAN — Christian Shares the Gospel with Parents Through Magazine

This woman encountered the gospel through a recipe page in a Christian magazine.

One Iranian believer has found a creative way to share the gospel with her parents who do not know Christ.

Wanting her parents to trust in God, this girl used a VOM-supported Christian magazine to provide opportunities to talk to her parents about Jesus. Since her father used to be a photographer, she caught his attention through the magazine’s photos, and he then asked to keep the magazine so he could read it in private. Then, after her mother expressed that she was looking for new cooking recipes, the young Christian used the magazine to introduce her mother to some new recipes as well as the gospel. “Pray for me as I continue to speak to my parents about Jesus,” she said.

Pray that this young woman would have ongoing opportunities to share Jesus with her parents, and that they would place their trust in Christ.


  1. 김현주

    Says March 15, 2022 at pm 12:55

    귀한 가정에 하나님 나라가 임하시고 뜻이 하늘에서 이루어진 것 같이 그 가정에서 이루어지시길 기도합니다.

  2. 유혜영

    Says March 19, 2022 at pm 6:58

    복음의 씨앗을 잃어버리지 않고 100배 1000배 영혼구원의 열매맺는 가정되게 하소서!

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