LAOS | FEB. 23, 2022 — Village Leaders Assault Man for Christian Faith, Deny His Family Basic Needs

LAOS | FEB. 23, 2022 — Village Leaders Assault Man for Christian Faith, Deny His Family Basic Needs

LAOS | FEB. 23, 2022 — Village Leaders Assault Man for Christian Faith, Deny His Family Basic Needs

LAOS — Village Leaders Assault Man for Christian Faith, Deny His Family Basic Needs

Taeng spent three days in the hospital after village leaders assaulted him for not rejecting Jesus Christ.

On Jan. 18, two Buddhist village leaders assaulted Taeng for his trust in Christ.

Many in the village already disliked Taeng for his Christian faith, but the hatred toward him escalated when he began drilling a well to draw water for his family. When village leaders told him he had to renounce his faith if he wanted to continue drilling, Taeng refused. Many villagers watched the two leaders attack Taeng but did nothing to stop it. Finally, Taeng’s father stopped the attack, preventing his son from being strangled to death. Taeng stayed in the hospital for three days and later attempted to file a police report, but the police refused to help him. Since the attack, village leaders have prevented Taeng and his family from accessing the village’s source of electricity. Pray for Taeng’s healing and for his family’s needs to be met as he heals. Pray for his family’s faith to not be shaken, and pray that Taeng’s faithfulness serves as a witness to the truth of the gospel to Taeng’s village.

Pray also that the leaders who attacked him come to know Christ.


  1. 유혜영

    Says February 23, 2022 at am 4:15

    탱의 상처받은 영혼육을 치료하여 주소서!
    죽음도 두려워하지 않는 믿음부어주소서!

  2. Prayer

    Says March 11, 2022 at am 2:10

    탱 형제님을 위해 기도합니다! 오히려 영혼육이 치유되고 더욱더 강건해지게 하소서! 영이 더욱더 강해지게 하소서! 성령님 임재해주셔서 증인된 삶을 사는 탱 형제님을 통해 그 마을 사람들도 그 성령에 감화되어 영적으로 그리스도 앞에 무장해제, 순복하고 자복하는 역사가 일어날 것을 믿음으로 선포합니다!!

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