ETHIOPIA | FEB. 21, 2022 — Persecuted by Armed Men, Encouraged by the Global Body of Christ

ETHIOPIA | FEB. 21, 2022 — Persecuted by Armed Men, Encouraged by the Global Body of Christ

ETHIOPIA | FEB. 21, 2022 — Persecuted by Armed Men, Encouraged by the Global Body of Christ

ETHIOPIA — Persecuted by Armed Men, Encouraged by the Global Body of Christ

Tilahun lost his leg in when he was attacked for his Christian faith.

Tilahun trusted in Christ eight years ago and became an active member in his church.

Then, in 2020, his home was burned, and he was physically attacked by armed men because of his Christian faith. As a result of the attack, his leg had to be amputated. Tilahun became discouraged as he struggled to provide for his family and pay for his medical treatment. Then, front-line workers connected with Tilahun, and VOM has helped provide for his living essentials and medical needs. “God responds to our prayers in ways that we have not expected,” he said. “I never thought I would ever be able to get help from people who do not know me. But God sent them.”

Pray for Tilahun’s faith to grow strong as he continues to recover from his attack, and thank God that his needs are being met.


  1. 유혜영

    Says February 20, 2022 at pm 1:09

    틸라훈을 성령충만으로 기름부어주소서! 고난을 뛰어넘믄 믿음 허락하소서!

  2. Prayer

    Says March 16, 2022 at am 2:18

    예수님 틸라훈 형제님을 예수님 이름으로 축복합니다-! 모든 낙심된 마음에 새 힘과 새 기름부으심을 부어주소서!! 예수님만이 주실 수 있는 기쁨의 생명수로 넘쳐나게 하소서!! 예수님 영혼육의 모든 상처를 보혈 피로 말끔히 씻어주소서. 틸라훈 형제를 통해 모든 사람들이 주님께 돌아오게 하소서! 에티오피아를 예수님 이름으로 축복합니다. 주님의 나라 주님의 에티오피아가 될지어다!!

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