MYANMAR | DEC. 6, 2021 — Authorities Hunting Down Church Leader for His Faithful Witness

MYANMAR | DEC. 6, 2021 — Authorities Hunting Down Church Leader for His Faithful Witness

MYANMAR | DEC. 6, 2021 — Authorities Hunting Down Church Leader for His Faithful Witness

MYANMAR — Authorities Hunting Down Church Leader for His Faithful Witness

A church leader in Myanmar is on the run as authorities seek to silence him for his faithful witness.

Following the military coup that occurred earlier this year in Myanmar, authorities have been searching for local church leader Maung, seeking to detain him for his faithful Christian witness and leadership among congregants.

Fearing for his life, Maung is moving from house to house and is unable to support his wife and their two young children. Pray for Maung to be strong in his faith. Pray for his family’s needs to be met, and pray for his church to be strengthened.

Pray also for peace and stability in Myanmar.

1 Comment

  1. 유혜영

    Says December 07, 2021 at pm 7:47

    하나님의 일을 할 수 있는 물질과 시간과 인력을 부어주시기를 간절히 기도합니다.
    건강의 축복을 주시고 자녀가 잘되는 복을 주셔서 하나님을 위해 일할수 있게 하여 주소서!

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