AFGHANISTAN | NOV. 17, 2021 — “A Dangerous Time for Believers”
AFGHANISTAN — “A Dangerous Time for Believers”
Pray for God's grace for Christians in Afghanistan right now.
A front-line worker who spent years living in Afghanistan says it is a dangerous time for believers in the country but that God is working in spite of the Taliban advance.
The front-line worker said believers inside the country are making different choices: some have fled the country, some are in hiding and some are choosing to stay in order to be a light. Believers are receiving threats, and several have been targeted. “Our big concern is that God will give them the grace to weather the suffering and the persecution,” the front-line worker said, and also reminded believers in the US한국으로 바꿔야 that the majority people group in Afghanistan, the Pashtun, are an unreached people group who desperately need to hear the gospel.
“We can pray that God is going to use this and is going to advance His kingdom and further the gospel,” the worker said.